In addition to gold, mana, and [gems](\minedefense\wiki\Gems), Mine Defense includes several other resources used in [industry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry), [upgrades](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades), [military](\minedefense\wiki\Military), and purchasing [pickaxes](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes).

## Getting Resources 


Gold is the first resource produced in the game and is typically first produced by clicking on the mine on the main screen. The amount of gold received from clicking on the mine is determined by your [pickaxe strength](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes#Pick strength ). After reaching ten gold, you can begin to purchase [hirelings](\minedefense\wiki\Hirelings) to mine gold for you. After purchasing the [Delve Greedily](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#delvegreedily) and [Embrace the Swarm](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#embracetheswarm) upgrades, goblins and spiders, respectively, will begin to attack your mine and drop gold when killed. You may also earn gold through random events like finding buried treasure or conning hard drive vendors. (These random events occur even at the start of the game and would allow you to play a no-click play-through, though some upgrades, picks, and dragons require clicking the mine and prevent progressing fully through the game without clicking.) You may also sell [gems](\minedefense\wiki\Gems) to generate gold, though the gold value of gems quickly becomes worthless as you progress in the game. After amassing 1K sandshrews, you can purchase the [Team Rocket Buyer](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#teamrocketbuyer) upgrade to [alchemize gold out of sandshrews](\minedefense\wiki\Alchemists#sandshrewstogold). Late game gold generation is typically dominated by the ants produced by hive queens boosting world eater gold production until the very end game where gold becomes useless. At that point, the [machinst](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#machinist)'s auto-production of craftsmen allows bloodhounds to surpass world eater production.


Mana becomes available when your [mages](\minedefense\wiki\Mages) first kill an attacking goblin. Initially, you gain 1 mana per goblin kill, though this is upgradeable with the purchase of the [nightmare series](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#nightmareupgrades) and [arcane series](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#arcaneupgrades) of upgrades. Killing spiders yields five times as much mana as killing goblins. After getting five mages, you are able to devote a portion of your mages to meditation through which they increase your mana pool each second. The rate at which meditating mages generate mana is upgradeable through a [series of mage upgrades](\minedefense\wiki\mage_upgrades#meditationupgrades) as well as the [nightmare](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#nightmareupgrades) and [arcane](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#arcaneupgrades) series of upgrades, the mage wisdom multiplier generated by the [mage tower](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#magetower), raising the [mage aura](\minedefense\wiki\Mages#Mage aura ) by clicking the mages on the main screen, the [fire shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#fireshrine) multiplier, and the [Volcanic Fury](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#volcanicfury) dragon upgrade. The [neurochrysalis](\minedefense\wiki\Hirelings#neurochrysalis) hireling unlocks after hiring 30 alchemists and generating 20T total mana; this hireling generates mana rather than gold. Alchemists can convert [gold to mana](\minedefense\wiki\Alchemists#goldtomana) as soon as you purchase the alchemist's lair and an alchemist and gain the ability to convert [dirt to mana](\minedefense\wiki\Alchemists#dirttomana) after gathering a total of 500M dirt. Alchemized neurochrysalises dominate mana production late in the game.


After playing for ten minutes, there is a chance to find a low level [gem](\minedefense\wiki\Gems) each time you click to dig in the mine. Higher level pickaxes have a much greater chance and produce many more gems. See the [mining gems and resources](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes#Mining gems and resources ) section for more information about finding gems while digging. Killing invading [goblins](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#delvegreedily) and [spiders](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#embracetheswarm) also has a chance to yield gems. With the [Gleaming Treasure](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#gleamingtreasure) upgrade, each buried treasure you find will contain gems as well. The [Advanced Delving Techniques](\minedefense\wiki\mage_upgrades#advanceddelvingtechniques) mage upgrade allows your [delving mages](\minedefense\wiki\Mages) a chance to find gems each second. With two series of mage upgrades that increase the [chance to find gems](\minedefense\wiki\mage_upgrades#gemfindupgrades) and the [quality of gems found](\minedefense\wiki\mage_upgrades#gemqualityupgrades) as well as the ability to boost the amount of gems found by [sacrificing goblins](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#learnfromthefallen) to the [smelting pit](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#smeltingpit), this becomes the main source of gems in the later stages of the game. After unlocking the [industry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry) portion of the game, the [quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry) construct will provide a small chance to find gems each second and the [regal statue](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#regalstatue) will provide gems every ten minutes. The [Miner Blindness Reduction](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#minerblindnessreduction) upgrade gives miner hirelings the ability to find a small number of gems each second.


Dirt is produced at a rate of 1 per second for every bagger 288 you own after purchasing the [Precious Resources](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#preciousresources) upgrade, which can be upgraded with the purchase of the [Diesel Engines](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dieselengines) and [Myth and Machine](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#mythandmachine) upgrades. Dirt can also be produced at a rate of 8K per world eater with the [Makes Sense](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#makessense) upgrade, which will easily dwarf the bagger 288 rate once purchased.


Upon hiring 12,340 rock golems, you can purchase the [The Wheel Turns](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#thewheelturns) orange upgrade which allows you to build the [quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry). Once constructed, you will begin to gain stone at a rate of 1 per second for each rock golem you own. This can be increased with the purchase of the [Birth of a World](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#birthofaworld), [Rock Out](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#rockout), and [Machine and Myth](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#machineandmyth) upgrades as well as by having the [egg dragon](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#egg). Trading dirt for stone at the [exchange market](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#exchangemarket) is the most effective method of accumulating stone after purchasing [Makes Sense](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#makessense).


After you have produced 50M stone and built the [quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry), the [Deep Mining](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#deepmining) orange upgrade becomes available, which will then allow you to produce iron at a rate of 1 per second for every 2,000 rock golems you own (upgradeable to 1.5 per second per 2,000 golems with [Iron Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#ironaffinity)). Iron is also gained through [military campaigns](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Spoils of War ).


The [Deep Mining](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#deepmining) upgrade also provides a 10% chance every second to produce coal equal to your rock golems divided by 10,000 (multiplied by 1.5 after purchasing [Dirty Hands](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dirtyhands)), The [Dig Smarter, Not Harder](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#digsmarternotharder) upgrade allows production of coal at a rate of 1 per 100K baggers, upgradeable with the [Diesel Engines](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dieselengines) upgrade.


Once you have purchased the [Secret of Barad-dur](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#secretofbaraddur) upgrade and built a [smelting pit](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#smeltingpit), you can begin to combine goblins, coal, and iron to smelt steel at a rate of 1 goblin, 1 coal, and 200 iron per 1 unit of steel.. The smelting pit's level may be upgraded using increasing amounts of stone and goblins. Each smelting pit level increases the amount of steel produced by 1 and raises the cost by 1 goblin, 1 coal, and 200 iron. Smelting pit steel production can be increased with the [Steel Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#steelaffinity), [Peer Pressure](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#peerpressure), and [Enter the Horde](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#enterthehorde) upgrades. Costs can be reduced with the [Waste Not](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#wastenot) and [Want Not](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#wantnot) upgrades, though getting these upgrades before sacrificing 100K goblins at the smelting pit makes reaching [Learn from the Fallen](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#learnfromthefallen) slower. Steel is also produced through [military campaigns](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Spoils of War ).


Food is generated upon construction of the [farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#farm) (which requires producing 2,500 steel to unlock) as well as at the more advanced [expanded farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#expandedfarm) and [vast farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#vastfarm). Food is initially produced at each farm at a rate of 120 per minute per farm level and is upgradeable to 360 per minute with [Agriculture](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#agriculture) and 1080 per minute with [Irrigation](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#irrigation). Food production is tripled by [Higher Learning](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#higherlearning), doubled with [A Whole New World](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#awholenewworld), and multiplied by eight with [Center of the Quake](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#centerofthequake). The [hatchling](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#hatchling) and [eternal](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#eternal) dragons multiply food production by 1.5, while the eternal dragon also multiplies raw material gain by 10, affecting food production as well. Food production is made insignificant in the late game as the [steel-to-food market exchange](\minedefense\wiki\Resources#steel) far surpasses what can be raised by farms.


Food is used to sustain another resource--population. You can begin allowing citizens to move in by constructing the [habitation](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#habitation) after having produced at least 2,500 steel. Each person requires one unit of food per second to survive, so it is important to upgrade your farm(s) enough to sustain your maximum population before raising your habitation's level at first. Population operates differently than other resources in that raising the habitation's level raises the maximum population, and the people that move in may die in battle or from starvation or be converted to scholars at the [university](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university), lowering the current population level while leaving the maximum population level the same. Your population will regenerate at a rate of one person per 3600 population cap per second until it refills your habitation. Population regeneration can be increased with the [On and On](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#onandon), [Baby Bonuses](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#babybonuses), [Green Revolution](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#greenrevolution), and [First Steps](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#firststeps) upgrades. After raising your maximum population to 50, you will unlock the [barracks](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#barracks) and the [military](\minedefense\wiki\Military) portion of the game. At this point, half of your population will be available as a standing army for military campaigns.


[Military](\minedefense\wiki\Military) campaigns provide an additional opportunity for acquiring iron, coal, and steel by conquering your enemies and [looting their resources](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Spoils of War ). In addition to the iron, coal, and steel won after each successful battle, you may also occasionally come across a strange green ore in the ruins. The ore is adamantium, another resource used to purchase several upgrades, build constructs, and level up dragons. You can also spend one adamantium to convert your population into scholars at the [university](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university), raising your civilization's education level. The initial chance to find adamantium after battle is 7% and is upgradeable to 10.5% with the purchase of [War Vultures](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#warvultures). The amount of adamantium gained after battle scales upwards with the number of campaigns won. It is also possible to find the square root of three times your current level of adamantium worth, up to 1B, at the [quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry). The [earth shrine picks](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes#adamantium) have a ten percent chance to [mine adamantium](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes#Mining gems and resources ) each time you dig. With the [Heavy Smelting](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#heavysmelting) upgrade, the smelting pit has a chance to create adamantium each second; the amount created can be upgraded with the [Energy of Earth](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#energyofearth) upgrade. Wyverns begin producing adamantium with the [Adamantium Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#adamantiumaffinity) upgrade, and this quickly becomes the fastest method of producing adamantium. 


After accumulating at least one adamantium, you gain the option to build the [university](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university) to which you can send your citizens to become scholars at the cost of one adamantium per group of citizens sent (not per citizen). Scholars sent to the university no longer take up space in your [habitation](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#habitation), and new citizens will move in to take the place of the population you send to the university. The total number of scholars sent to your university determines your civilization's education level. Certain upgrades provide benefits based on your education level: [Collective Knowledge](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#collectiveknowledge) boosts essence gain, [Academic Symbiosis](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#academicsymbiosis) boosts [earth titan](\minedefense\wiki\Hirelings#earthtitan) gold production, and [Ghosts of Economic Prowess](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#ghostsofeconomicprowess) boosts the average exchange rate at the [market](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#exchangemarket). The university dialog in the industry tab displays your current education level, average market boost, and scholar-based essence multiplier. Additionally, some upgrades require a certain education level to unlock as shown in the table below.

| **Upgrade** | **Scholars required** |
| [Agriculture](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#agriculture) | 50 |
| [Industrial Brakes](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#industrialbrakes) | 100 |
| [Steel Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#steelaffinity) | 250 |
| [War Vultures](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#warvultures) | 750 |
| [Irrigation](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#irrigation) | 2K |
| [Higher Learning](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#higherlearning) | 50K |
| [Ghosts of Economic Prowess](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#ghostsofeconomicprowess) | 25M |


Flax is produced each minute by the [expanded farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#expandedfarm) and three times as quickly by the [vast farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#vastfarm). Flax is used to construct and upgrade the [fletcher](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#fletcher) construct and is also one component of the cost of [dragon hunters](\minedefense\wiki\Hirelings#dragonhunter) along with gold and adamantium, with flax being the bottleneck component. Flax production remains slow until you amass 100M neurochrysalises and purchase the [Flax Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#flaxaffinity) upgrade which allows production of flax at a rate of 1 flax per twenty million neurochrysalises per second. This rate is multiplied by 1.5 with the [Mana Man](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#manaman) upgrade.


After building the [fletcher](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#fletcher) construct, the [dragon hunter](\minedefense\wiki\Hirelings#dragonhunter) hireling is unlocked for purchase. Dragon hunters produce a very small amount, 0.006, of dragonscale each second rather than gold. Dragon hunter production can be increased with the [Archery Courses](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#archerycourses), [Adamantium Tipped Arrows](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#adamantiumtippedarrows), and [Homing Darts](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#homingdarts) upgrades as well as by raising the level of the fletcher. Dragon hunter production is vastly outpaced by the [water essence to dragonscale alchemy recipe](\minedefense\wiki\Alchemists#watertodragonscale) unlocked after building the [water shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#watershrine) until purchasing the [Human Fusion](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#humanfusion) upgrade unlocked after getting 100 dragon hunters that allows for [alchemization of dragon hunters](\minedefense\wiki\Alchemists#majestictodragonhunters). You will also gain between 10 and 30 dragonscale per rebel goblin kill with [Traitorous Goblins](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#traitorousgoblins) and an additional 100 to 300 if you also have the [Teenage Rebellion](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#teenagerebellion) upgrade. Dragonscale is used to construct and level the four elemental shrines, to purchase the [dragon hunter](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dragonhunterupgrades) and [dragon](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dragonupgrades) upgrades, to construct the [machinist](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#machinist), [dragon nest](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#dragonnest), and [dimensional rift](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#dimensionalrift) buildings, and to feed the [hatchling](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#hatchling) and [majestic](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#majestic) dragons.

*Elemental Essences*

Fire, water, earth, and lightning essence are produced by the [fire shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#fireshrine), [water shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#watershrine), [earth shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#earthshrine), and [lightning shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#lightningshrine), respectively. The fire shrine becomes available after winning 500 military campaigns and purchasing 400 mages, and each subsequent shrine requires essence produced by the previous shrine in addition to increasing numbers of military victories (1K, 2K, and 3K) and one other requirement specific to each shrine--150 alchemists for water, 25K mine clicks for earth, and 1QaDe gold for lightning--to unlock. After building each shrine, they will begin producing the corresponding essence once per minute and once every thirty seconds after purchasing the corresponding first tier [elemental dragon](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#elementaldragons)'s upgrade: World of [Flame](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#worldofflame)/[Water](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#worldofwater)/[Earth](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#worldofearth)/[Lightning](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#worldoflightning). The shrines produce one tenth of the corresponding essence plus one tenth per shrine level, which is upgradeable with [dragonscale](\minedefense\wiki\Resources#dragonscale) and gold. Collective Knowledge provides a boost to your essence generation rate based on the amount of scholars at your [university](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university), and the [arcaneum](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#arcaneum)'s essence category boosts elemental essence production as well. In addition to shrine production, rebel goblins produced by the [Traitorous Goblins](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#traitorousgoblins) upgrade drop 2 of a random elemental essence after purchasing the [Teenage Rebellion](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#teenagerebellion) upgrade. The rebel goblin essence amount also benefits from the scholar and spirit essence multipliers and is also multiplied by 5/2 when the [youngling dragon](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#youngling) is active and by 100 with [King of the Sky](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#kingofthesky). Elemental essence can be used to feed the [master dragon](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#master) and each of the [elemental dragons](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#elementaldragons) and to build clockwork mages, craftsmen, and alchemists at the [machinist](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#machinist).

*Spirit Essence*

Spirit essence is produced by sacrificing [adult dragons](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#adultdragons) at the [dimensional rift](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#dimensionalrift). The amount of spirit essence gained is determined by the dragon's level when sent through the rift and is shown in the [sacrificing dragons](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#Sacrificing dragons ) chart. Spirit essence is used by the [arcaneum](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#arcaneum) to boost production of several categories of resources listed in the chart below. Each spirit essence devoted to a category boosts production of resources in that category by 10%. See the [sacrificing dragons](\minedefense\wiki\Dragons#Sacrificing dragons ) section for more information.

| **Category** | **Resources included** |
| Basic | Gold and mana |
| Gems | All [gem types](\minedefense\wiki\Gems#Pricing Data ) |
| Raw materials | Dirt, stone, coal, iron, and food |
| Rare materials | Steel, adamantium, flax, and dragonscale |
| Hirelings | All [hirelings](\minedefense\wiki\Hirelings) |
| Essence | Fire, water, earth, and lightning essence |

## List of Resources 

| **Resource** | **Requirements** | **Produced By** | **Used In** | **Market Value** |
| Dirt | [Precious Resources](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#preciousresources) | Bagger 288: 1/sec[Diesel Engines](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dieselengines): prod. * 1.5 | <a id='dirt'></a>*Upgrades*[The Wheel Turns](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#thewheelturns)*Industry*[Quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry)*Alchemy recipes*10M Dirt : 1Qa Mana*Industry*[Clearing land](\minedefense\wiki\Industry) | 3 dirt : 4 stone |
| Stone | [Quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry) | Rock Golems: 1/sec[Birth of a World](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#birthofaworld): prod. * 1.5[Rock Out](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#rockout): prod. * 2 | <a id='stone'></a>*Upgrades*[Deep Mining](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#deepmining)[Secret of Barad-dur](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#secretofbaraddur)[Rock Out](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#rockout)*Industry*[Auto-Smithy](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#autosmithy)[Wyvern Mount](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#wyvernmount) (and upgrades)[Mage Tower](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#magetower)[Smelting Pit](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#smeltingpit) (and upgrades)[Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#farm) upgrades[Expanded Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#expandedfarm) upgrades[Vast Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#vastfarm) upgrades | 1K stone : 1 iron |
| Coal | [Quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry)[Deep Mining](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#deepmining) | Rock Golems: 10% chance for 0.0001/sec[Dirty Hands](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dirtyhands): prod. * 1.5[Military#Spoils_of_War_](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Spoils_of_War_) campaigns: 100 * enemy roll](\minedefense\wiki\ <a id='coal'></a>*Resources*Smelting steel*Upgrades*[Secret of Barad-dur|Upgrades#secretofbaraddur)[Diesel Engines](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dieselengines)[Iron Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#ironaffinity)[Mechanical Overload](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#mechanicaloverload)[War Vultures](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#warvultures)*Industry*[Auto-Smithy](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#autosmithy) upgrades[Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#farm) upgrades[Expanded Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#expandedfarm) upgrades[Vast Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#vastfarm) upgrades | - |
| Iron | [Quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry)[Deep Mining](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#deepmining) | [Iron Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#ironaffinity): prod. * 1.5[Military#Spoils_of_War_](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Spoils_of_War_) campaigns: 1000 * enemy roll ](\minedefense\wiki\ <a id='iron'></a>*Resources*Smelting steel*Upgrades*[Secret of Barad-dur|Upgrades#secretofbaraddur)[Dirty Hands](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dirtyhands)*Industry*[Regal Statue](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#regalstatue) (and upgrades) | 100 iron : 5 coal250 iron : 1 steel |
| Food | [Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#farm)[Expanded Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#expandedfarm)[Vast Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#vastfarm)| Farm: 120/minExpanded Farm: 120/minVast Farm: 120/min[Agriculture](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#agriculture): prod. raised to 360/min/farm[Irrigation](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#irrigation): prod. raised to 1080/min/farm[Higher Learning](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#higherlearning): prod. * 3 | <a id='food'></a>*Resources*Feeding population*Industry*[Barracks](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#barracks)*Military*Training [soldiers](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Launching_a_Campaign_) | - |
| Steel | [Secret of Barad-dur](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#secretofbaraddur)[Smelting Pit](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#smeltingpit) | Smelting Pit: 1/level/sec[Steel Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#steelaffinity): prod. * 1.5[Military#Spoils_of_War_](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Spoils_of_War_) campaigns: 50 * enemy roll[Earth shrine picks](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes#Mining gems and resources ): 10/20/30 per click | <a id='steel'></a>*Pickaxes*[Steel Tipped](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes)*Upgrades*[Dirty Hands](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#dirtyhands)[Rock Out](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#rockout)[Iron Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#ironaffinity)[Mechanical Overload](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#mechanicaloverload)[Rush Job](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#rushjob)[Agriculture](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#agriculture)[Industrial Brakes](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#industrialbrakes)[Steel Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#steelaffinity)[Irrigation](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#irrigation)*Industry*[Exchange Market](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#exchangemarket)[Habitation](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#habitation) (and upgrades)[Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#farm) (and upgrades)[Barracks](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#barracks)[University](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university)[Blacksmith](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#blacksmith) (and upgrades)[Expanded Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#expandedfarm) (and upgrades)[Vast Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#vastfarm) (and upgrades)*Military*Training [soldiers](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Launching_a_Campaign_) | 1 steel : 15 food |
| Population | [Habitation](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#habitation) | Raise max population at HabitationRegenerates at (max pop./3600)/sec | <a id='population'></a>*Industry*[Barracks](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#barracks)[University](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university) education level upgrades*Military*Army troops (1/2 current population) | - |
| Adamantium | [Barracks](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#barracks) | [Military#Spoils_of_War_](\minedefense\wiki\Military#Spoils_of_War_) campaigns: 7% chance for 1[War Vultures](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#warvultures): chance * 1.5[Quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry): 40% chance to find 1[Adamantium Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#adamantiumaffinity): # wyverns/10M per second[Heavy Smelting](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#heavysmelting): .75% chance for 1/sec[Energy of Earth](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#energyofearth): Heavy Smelting produces log(# dirt alchemized to mana)*2 instead of 1[Earth shrine picks](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes#Mining gems and resources ): 10/20/30 per click (10% chance) | <a id='adamantium'></a>*Upgrades*[Agriculture](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#agriculture)[Industrial Brakes](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#industrialbrakes)[Steel Affinity](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#steelaffinity)[War Vultures](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#warvultures)[Irrigation](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#irrigation)*Industry*[University](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university)[Blacksmith](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#blacksmith)[Expanded Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#expandedfarm)[Vast Farm](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#vastfarm)Adding Scholars at the [University](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#university) | - |
| Dragonscale | Not yet added | - | <a id='dragonscale'></a>- | - |

## Update Info 

* Version 1.00 - 13/12/2014
    * 100 iron now yields 5 coal rather than 1
* Version 0.98 - 13/09/2014
    * The university now defaults to the max number of scholars you can send
    * Food in the market is slightly more expensive
    * Fixed several bugs with how food interacts with population
    * You can now gain land for two more farms via campaigns
* Version 0.97 - 06/09/2014
    * Farms now show food per second
    * The military screen now shows food remaining after upgrade (to avoid overspending)
    * Habitation level is now a maximum, and soldiers who die now regenerate slowly
    * Military rewards are now higher and soldiers are now killed even in victory
    * The initial bagger upgrade for acquiring dirt is now cheaper
* Version 0.96 - 30/08/2014
    * Fixed bugs with the market and industry screen
    * Added habitations and farms
    * Added the barracks to start your military campaign
    * Added a new resource (sadly it has no use so far, but it will soon)
* Version 0.951 - 23/08/2014
    * Fixed bugs with the oracle and the smelter
    * Market dialog now updates properly
    * Added upgrades to increase resource gain
* Version 0.95 - 16/08/2014
    * Added a new resource
    * Added a new building that allows exchanging resources with varying prices
* Version 0.94 - 09/08/2014
    * Auto-smith upgrades now require coal after a certain point
* Version 0.93 - 02/08/2014
    * Dirt amount is now shown in the industry tab, not on the top bar like before
* Version 0.92 - 25/07/2014
    * Added a new resource (super late game - listen to the oracle and get tons of baggers)
    * Added a new game section, involving construction and automation

This article was last modified: Aug. 9, 2015, 8:02 p.m.

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