Several upgrades unlock new [types](\minedefense\wiki\Enemies#Enemy types ) of enemies that will attack your empire. To prevent your enemies from plundering your [resources](\minedefense\wiki\Resources), you must erect [defenses](\minedefense\wiki\Enemies#Defenses ) to protect yourself against the attacks. ## Enemy types There are three types of enemies that will attack your kingdom: goblins, spiders, and, an upgraded form of goblins, rebel goblins. ### Goblins After raising 100K [gold](\minedefense\wiki\Resources#gold) and purchasing the [Delve Greedily](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrade#delvegreedily) upgrade, goblins will begin to attack your mine. Goblins attack periodically; attacks are triggered by a timer initially set to a random time between 35 seconds plus or minus 10 seconds, which can be lowered with the purchase of several upgrades. [Looting Proficiency](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#lootingproficiency), [Goblin's Bane](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#goblinsbane), [Goblin's Scourge](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#goblinsscourge), and [Goblin's Terror](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#goblinsterror) divide the random delay from the previous formula by 3, 3, 3, and 4, respectively, with a minimum spawn delay of 1 second. You can also speed up goblin spawn rates with [lures](\minedefense\wiki\Enemies#Lures ). Up to 8 goblins can attack at a time if you delay in dispatching them. As you kill goblins, they become stronger. Attacking goblins begin at an average level of 1 and the average rises by 1 for every 8 goblins you have killed; goblins spawn at a random level within 2 of the average. A goblin's level determines its strength (level * 9), or how much damage the goblin will do when attacking the wall, and its hit points (50 + level * 5), or how much damage the goblin can sustain from attacks from the [pickaxe](\minedefense\wiki\Pickaxes#Pick strength ) and [mages](\minedefense\wiki\Enemies#Mages ) before dying. Upon destroying a goblin, you will receive various rewards. For every goblin you kill, you will receive gold. The base gold reward is based on the goblin's level and is calculated by 4K * level. Goblins also drop a random value between 0-50% of the base gold in addition the base amount. [Looting Proficiency](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#lootingproficiency), [Goblin's Bane](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#goblinsbane), [Goblin's Scourge](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#goblinsscourge), and [Goblin's Terror](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#goblinsterror) multiply the base amount plus the additional gold reward by 3, 3, 3, and 4, respectively. Goblins also have a 0.1 * level (max.: 25) percent chance of dropping a [dreary gem](\minedefense\wiki\Gems#Pricing Data ). If the killing blow to a goblin is landed by a mage, you will also receive 1 times your current [mana multiplier](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#manamultiplierupgrades) worth of [mana](\minedefense\wiki\Resources#mana). ### Spiders MD.SPIDER_TIME = 105; MD.SPIDER_TIME_VARIATION = 30; MD.SPIDER_LEVEL_VARIATION = 10; MD.SPIDER_KILLS_PER_LEVEL = 15; MD.SPIDER_REWARD = n("8T"); MD.SPIDER_REWARD_VARIATION = 80; spidermult1: 2, spidermult2: 3, spidermult3: 3, spidermult4: 4, ### Rebel goblins ## Defenses Clicking ### Walls Walls provide fortification against enemy attacks and are available, yet unaffordable, at the start of the game. If a wall stands between your mine and the enemy, the enemies will attack the wall until either they or the wall is destroyed. Enemies cannot plunder resources until they destroy the wall, however, so walls provide a buffer between the enemy and your goods. There are many levels of walls; each provides more durability against attacks and costs more than the last. | **Wall** | **Cost** | **Durability** | |---|---|---| | Stick | 100K | 1K | | Tin | 500K | 2.5K | | Copper | 1M | 5K | | Bronze | 2.5M | 10K | | Iron | 5M | 20K | | Steel | 10M | 40K | | Mythril | 50M | 150K | | Diamond | 250M | 500K | | Uranium | 1B | 1M | | Scholtium | 10B | 5M | | Rhenium | 10T | 800M | | Bioalloy* | 10Qa | 10G | Once you reach the strongest wall, the bioalloy wall, you will be able to purchase fortifications that increase the durability of the wall for exponentially increasing costs. Bioalloy wall fortifications cost 1.2(# fortifications) * 10Qa gold and provide 2.5B durability per fortification. Some upgrades provide additional benefits for each level of wall purchased or using other formulas related to walls. [Armor Sharing](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#armorsharing) provides 1B additional gold per wall fortification per sandshrew per second. [Seed of Rebellion](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#seedofrebellion) boosts hireling goblin earning by sqrt(total damage to wall by goblins) * 10 per goblin per second. The most important of the upgrades to the defense against enemies is [Amplifcatory Armor](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#amplificatoryarmor). For each wall fortification, Amplifcatory Armor increases mage damage by 2%, allowing you to destroy your enemies before they can destroy your wall. ### Craftsmen Overall Clad Blurs Alchemical Repair Rates ### Traps ### Lures ### Mages ## Update info