Alchemists possess the powerful ability to convert between types of resources. Upon [imbuing any hireling](\minedefense\wiki\Mages#Hireling imbuement ) to a 12 times multiplier and buying the corresponding hireling's [alchemical speed](\minedefense\wiki\Alchemists#Alchemist_speed_) upgrade, you will be able to purchase the Alchemist's Lair for the cost of 2 majestic gems, 10Sp gold, and 100B mana. You will then have the option to purchase alchemists in the defense tab. Alchemists start with the capability to turn gold into mana. As you hire more alchemists, purchase hirelings and the corresponding upgrades, and generate dirt, your alchemists will unlock new recipes that allow you to convert ants into gems, various levels and amounts of gems into hirelings, and dirt into mana. Upon constructing the [quarry](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#quarry), goblins mining the quarry have a small chance (4%) to find artifacts that will attract additional alchemists from afar to your service to study them; each artifact found adds one alchemist. ## Alchemy recipes | **Input** | **Output** | **Ratio** | **Unlock Requirement** | |---|---|---|---| | <a id='goldtomana'></a>Gold | Mana | 25T:25M | Build Alchemist's Lair structure | | <a id='antstonormal'></a>Large Ants | Normal Gems* | 30K:1 | Hire 5 alchemists | | <a id='normaltowoodpeckers'></a>Normal Gems | Woodpecker | 200:2 | Purchase [Jeweled Beak](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#jeweledbeak) upgrade | | <a id='normaltobloodhounds'></a>Normal Gems | Bloodhound | 800:2 | Purchase [Jeweled Eyes](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#jeweledeyes) upgrade | | <a id='greattosandshrews'></a>Great Gems | Sandshrew | 160:2 | Purchase [Bedazzled Pokeballs](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#bedazzledpokeballs) upgrade | | <a id='greattogoblins'></a>Great Gems | Goblin | 400:2 | Purchase [Gleaming Eyes](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#gleamingeyes) upgrade | | <a id='flawlesstominers'></a>Flawless Gems | Miner | 250:2 | Purchase [Crystal Axes](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#crystalaxes) upgrade | | <a id='flawlesstorockgolems'></a>Flawless Gems | Rock Golem | 200:2 | Purchase [Crystalline Hands](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#crystallinehands) upgrade | | <a id='flawlesstobaggers'></a>Flawless Gems| Bagger 288 | 150:2 | Purchase [Diamond-Studded Treads](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#diamondstuddedtreads) upgrade | | <a id='perfecttotitans'></a>Perfect Gems | Titan of Earth | 40:2 | Purchase [Diamond Hearts](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#diamondhearts) upgrade | | <a id='majestictoworldeaters'></a>Majestic Gems | World Eater | 14:2 | Purchase [Crystal Shard Eyes](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#crystalshardeyes) upgrade | | <a id='majestictohivequeens'></a>Majestic Gems | Hive Queen | 54:2 | Purchase [Diamond-Spiked Eggs](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#diamondspikedeggs) upgrade | | <a id='majestictowyverns'></a>Majestic Gems | Wyvern | 208:2 | Purchase [Rhenium Heart](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#rheniumheart) upgrade | | <a id='dirttomana'></a>Dirt | Mana | 10M:1Qa | 500M total dirt collected | | <a id='majestictoneuros'></a>Majestic Gems | Neurochrysalis | 20066:2 | Purchase [Neurological Enlightenment](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#neurologicalenlightenment) upgrade | | <a id='watertodragonscale'></a>Water | Dragonscale | 0.5:1 | Build [Water Shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#watershrine) | | <a id='sandshrewstogold'></a>Sandshrew | Gold | 0.1:800Sx | Purchase [Team Rocket Buyer](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#teamrocketbuyer) upgrade | | <a id='majestictodragonhunters'></a>Majestic Gems | Dragon Hunter | 860154:2 | Purchase [Human Fusion](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#humanfusion) upgrade | * *This recipe produces great gems instead after purchasing the [Crystallizing Influence](\minedefense\wiki\mage_upgrades#crystallizinginfluence) mage upgrade. ## Alchemist speed Alchemical speed is a percentage multiplier for both the input and output of each alchemical recipe; therefore, the ratio of production remains the same while the amount consumed and produced per alchemist grows with the speed. Each hireling's [alchemical speed upgrade](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#eldritchupgrades) you purchase (unlocked by imbuing the corresponding hireling to a 12x multiplier) unlocks 10% of your alchemists' speed, for a total of 120% speed when fully unlocked. In addition, the [Alchemical Furor](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#alchemicalfuror), [Philosopher's Stone](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#philosophersstone), [The Elric Brothers](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#theelricbrothers), [Flying Sparks](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#flyingsparks), [Higher Learning](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#higherlearning), and [Eye of the Hurricane](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#eyeofthehurricane) upgrades multiply your alchemical speed by 1.5, 2, 3, 2, 2, and 2 respectively, for a total of a 64x multiplier, giving a total of 8640% alchemical speed. On top of the alchemical speed upgrades that affect both cost and yield, there are more valuable modifiers that increase yield while keeping the cost the same. The [Increased Yields](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#increasedyields), [Unequivalent Exchange](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#unequivalentexchange), and [Desert Bloom](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#desertbloom) upgrades increase the production rate of alchemists by 1.5, 2, and 3, respectively, without affecting the cost, allowing for a 9x increase in efficiency. The [Getting Hungry](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#gettinghungry) upgrade causes each bloodhound to an eat ant every second and increases alchemical yield by multiplying it by log(# ants eaten) / 20; this value doubles if you also have the [Hound's Best Friend](\minedefense\wiki\Upgrades#houndsbestfriend) upgrade. Finally, the yield is multiplied by the level of the [water shrine](\minedefense\wiki\Industry#watershrine) plus one, making the water shrine a valuable construct to level. ## Update info * Version 1.01 - 20/12/2014 * Added alchemist upgrade at 150 alchemists * Water essence to dragonscale recipe is quite a bit more expensive * The alchemist button now lights up when a new recipe is added * Spirit essence, mages, alchemists now allow specifying the number to move * Version 1.00 - 13/12/2014 * Added a sandshrew to gold recipe to help with the hive queen grind * Added an option to the menu to act as if control is pressed (for mobile users who don't have a control key) * Added water to dragonscale recipe * Added majestic gems to dragon hunter recipe * Version 0.98 - 13/09/2014 * New alchemist upgrade * Version 0.94 - 09/08/2014 * Added a third yield upgrade for alchemists, and the alchemist screen now shows yield upgrades in the ratio column * Version 0.93 - 02/08/2014 * Slight increase in Hive Queen gem cost * Alchemist efficiency is now called "Alchemical Speed" to be less confusing * Version 0.92 - 25/07/2014 * Fixed a bug caused by gem rounding if the number of gems is greater than 0 but less than 1 * Transmutation now also occurs if you have 100% of the amount, instead of the current efficiency (i.e. 330%) * Reduced world eater and hive queen alchemy prices * Alt click now works the same way as ctrl click * Added upgrades increasing alchemical yield (without increasing cost) * Version 0.91 - 19/07/2014 * World Eaters and Hive Queen recipes are more expensive, and other recipes have been tweaked * Holding ctrl allows you to move 10 mages or alchemists at once, or buy 10 hirelings at once * Rounded gem and hireling values, because people were getting annoyed at seeing 103.4 ants and so on * Added alchemist upgrades that increase potential (and therefore speed up transmutation) * Wyvern transmutation is now possible, but at a very high price * Version 0.90 - 12/07/2014 * Added alchemists lairs * Added alchemy recipes that are unlocked over time